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module lang::cpp::TypeSymbol


Defines symbolic representations for C and C++ types


import lang::cpp::TypeSymbol;

Source code


import lang::cpp::AST;

data TypeSymbol

data TypeSymbol  
= \unspecified()
| \void()
| \char()
| \wchar()
| \int()
| \float()
| \double()
| \boolean()
| \char16()
| \char32()
| \nullPtr()
| \int128()
| \float128()
| \decimal32()
| \decimal64()
| \decimal128()
| \array(TypeSymbol baseType)
| \array(TypeSymbol baseType, int size)
| \basicType(list[TypeModifier] modifiers, TypeSymbol baseType)
| \class(loc decl)
| \union(loc decl)
| \struct(loc decl)
| \qualifierType(list[TypeModifier] modifiers, TypeSymbol \type)
| \pointerType(list[TypeModifier] modifiers, TypeSymbol \type)
| \functionType(TypeSymbol returnType, list[TypeSymbol] parameterTypes)
| \functionTypeVarArgs(TypeSymbol returnType, list[TypeSymbol] parameterTypes)
| \typeContainer(TypeSymbol \type)
| \typedef(TypeSymbol \type)
| \enumeration(loc decl)
| \referenceType(TypeSymbol \type)
| \parameterPackType(TypeSymbol \type)
| \classSpecialization(loc decl, list[TypeSymbol] templateArguments)
| \enumerationSpecialization(loc specializedBinding, list[TypeSymbol] templateArguments)
| \aliasTemplateInstance(loc instantiatedTemplate, list[TypeSymbol] templateArguments)
| \templateTypeParameter(loc owner, loc decl)
| \implicitTemplateTypeParameter(loc owner, int position)
| \deferredClassInstance(str name)
| \unknownMemberClass(loc owner, str name)
| \typeOfDependentExpression(str name)
| \typeOfUnknownMember(str name)
| \problemBinding()
| \problemType(str msg)
| \noType()
| \cStructTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \cUnionTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \cClassTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \eStructTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \eUnionTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \eClassTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \eEnumTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \templateTemplate(TypeSymbol child, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \functionTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \variableTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters)
| \aliasTemplate(loc decl, list[loc] templateParameters, TypeSymbol \type)
| \functionSetType(loc decl, list[TypeSymbol] templateArguments)
| \functionSetTypePointer(loc decl, list[TypeSymbol] templateArguments)
| \transformToUnderlyingType(TypeSymbol operand)
| \unresolved()
| \any()
| \__nullType()

data TypeModifier

data TypeModifier  
= \signed()
| \unsigned()
| \short()
| \long()
| \longlong()
| \complex()
| \imaginary()
| \static()
| \const()
| \volatile()
| \restrict()