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module examples::pascal::Checker



import examples::pascal::Checker;

Source code


import examples::pascal::Syntax;
extend analysis::typepal::TypePal;
import List;
import Set;
import String;

data IdRole

data IdRole  
= fileId()
| constantId()
| typeId()
| recordId()
| fieldId()
| tagId()
| variableId()
| formalId()
| labelId()
| functionId()
| nullaryFunctionId()
| procedureId()

data PathRole

data PathRole  
= withPath()

data AType

data AType  
= booleanType()
| integerType()
| realType()
| stringType()
| charType()
| textType()
| scalarType(list[str] elems)
| subrangeType(AType associatedType)
| arrayType(AType indexType, AType elemType, bool packed = false)
| setType(AType elemType, bool packed = false)
| voidType()
| fileType(AType elemType, bool packed = false)
| pointerType(AType elemType)
| anyPointerType()
| functionType(AType argTypes, AType resType)
| anyFunctionType(AType resType)
| procedureType(AType argTypes)
| anyProcedureType()
| recordType(str rname, bool packed = false)
| labelType()

function stringType

AType stringType() = arrayType(subrangeType(integerType()), charType(), packed=true);

function isSimpleType

bool isSimpleType(booleanType())                        = true;

bool isSimpleType(integerType()) = true;

bool isSimpleType(realType()) = true;

bool isSimpleType(charType()) = true;

bool isSimpleType(scalarType(list[str] elems)) = true;

default bool isSimpleType(AType t) = false;

function isScalarType

bool isScalarType(booleanType())                        = true;

bool isScalarType(integerType()) = true;

bool isScalarType(charType()) = true;

bool isScalarType(scalarType(list[str] elems)) = true;

bool isScalarType(subrangeType(AType associatedType)) = true;

default bool isScalarType(AType t) = false;

function elimSubrangeType

AType elimSubrangeType(AType t) = visit(t) { case subrangeType(AType t1) => t1 };

function prettyAType

str prettyAType(booleanType())                                     = "boolean";

str prettyAType(integerType()) = "integer";

str prettyAType(realType()) = "real";

str prettyAType(charType()) = "char";

str prettyAType(textType()) = "text";

str prettyAType(scalarType(list[str] elems)) = "(<intercalate(", ", elems)>)";

str prettyAType(subrangeType(AType associatedType)) = "subrange of <prettyAType(associatedType)>";

str prettyAType(tp: arrayType(AType indexType, AType elemType)) = tp == stringType() ? "string" : (tp.packed ? "packed " : "") + "array <prettyAType(indexType)> of <prettyAType(elemType)>";

str prettyAType(tp: setType(AType elemType)) = (tp.packed ? "packed " : "") + "set of <prettyAType(elemType)>";

str prettyAType(tp: fileType(AType elemType)) = (tp.packed ? "packed " : "") + "file of <prettyAType(elemType)>";

str prettyAType(pointerType(AType elemType)) = "^" + prettyAType(elemType);

str prettyAType(procedureType(AType argTypes)) = "procedure (<prettyAType(argTypes)>)";

str prettyAType(functionType(AType argTypes, AType resType)) = "function (<prettyAType(argTypes)>) : <prettyAType(resType)>";

str prettyAType(tp: recordType(str rname)) = (tp.packed ? "packed " : "") + "record " + rname;

function pascalIsSubType

bool pascalIsSubType(AType t, t) = true;

bool pascalIsSubType(voidType(), t) = true;

bool pascalIsSubType(integerType(), realType()) = true;

bool pascalIsSubType(atypeList(list[AType] elems1), atypeList(list[AType] elems2))
= size(elems1) == size(elems2) && all(int i <- index(elems1), pascalIsSubType(elems1[i], elems2[i]));

bool pascalIsSubType(subrangeType(AType associatedType), AType other)
= pascalIsSubType(associatedType, other);

bool pascalIsSubType(AType other, subrangeType(AType associatedType))
= pascalIsSubType(other, associatedType);

bool pascalIsSubType(a1: arrayType(AType indexType1, AType elementType1), a2: arrayType(AType indexType2, AType elementType2))
= indexType1 == indexType1 && pascalIsSubType(elementType1, elementType2);

bool pascalIsSubType(integerType(), charType())
= true;

bool pascalIsSubType(setType(AType elemType1), setType(AType elemType2)) = pascalIsSubType(elemType1, elemType2);

bool pascalIsSubType(arrayType(subrangeType(integerType()), charType()), charType())
= true;

bool pascalIsSubType(pointerType(AType t1), pointerType(AType t2))
= pascalIsSubType(t1, t2);

bool pascalIsSubType(anyPointerType(), pointerType(AType t2))
= true;

bool pascalIsSubType(functionType(args, AType resultType1), anyFunctionType(AType resultType2))
= pascalIsSubType(resultType2, resultType1);

bool pascalIsSubType(AType atype, functionType(_, atype)) = true;

default bool pascalIsSubType(AType atype1, AType atype2) = false;

function pascalPreCollectInitialization

void pascalPreCollectInitialization(Tree t, Collector c){
container = t@src;

c.predefine("true", constantId(), container, defType(booleanType()));
c.predefine("false", constantId(), container, defType(booleanType()));
c.predefine("writeln", procedureId(), container, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));
c.predefine("write", procedureId(), container, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));
c.predefine("odd", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), booleanType())));
c.predefine("abs", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("sqr", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("sin", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("cos", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("arctan", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("exp", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("ln", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("sqrt", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), realType())));
c.predefine("round", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("readln", procedureId(), container, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));
c.predefine("read", procedureId(), container, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));
c.predefine("new", procedureId(), container, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));

c.predefine("boolean", typeId(), container, defType(booleanType()));
c.predefine("integer", typeId(), container, defType(integerType()));
c.predefine("real", typeId(), container, defType(realType()));
c.predefine("string", typeId(), container, defType(stringType()));
c.predefine("text", typeId(), container, defType(textType()));
c.predefine("any", typeId(), container, defType(anyPointerType()));
c.predefine("char", typeId(), container, defType(charType()));

c.predefine("eof", nullaryFunctionId(),
container, defType(booleanType()));
c.predefine("eoln", nullaryFunctionId(),
container, defType(booleanType()));
c.predefine("trunc", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([realType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("ord", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), charType())));
c.predefine("chr", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([charType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("succ", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), integerType())));
c.predefine("pred", functionId(), container, defType(functionType(atypeList([integerType()]), integerType())));

function pascalGetTypeNamesAndRole

tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] pascalGetTypeNamesAndRole(recordType(str name)){
return <[name], {recordId()}>;

default tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] pascalGetTypeNamesAndRole(AType t){
return <[], {}>;

function pascalConfig

TypePalConfig pascalConfig() =
tconfig(isSubType = pascalIsSubType,
getTypeNamesAndRole = pascalGetTypeNamesAndRole

function collect

void collect(current: (Program) `<ProgramHeading programHeading> <Block block> .`, Collector c){
collect(programHeading, block, c);

void collect(ProgramHeading ph, Collector c) {
for(fid <- ph.fileIdentifiers){
c.define("<fid>", fileId(), fid, defType(fileType(textType())));

void collect(current: (Block) `<LabelDeclarationPart? labelDeclarationPart> <ConstantDefinitionPart? constantDefinitionPart> <TypeDefinitionPart? typeDefinitionPart><VariableDeclarationPart? variableDeclarationPart> <ProcedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart? procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart> <StatementPart statementPart>`, Collector c) {

for(neLabelDeclarationPart <- labelDeclarationPart) collect(neLabelDeclarationPart, c);
for(neConstantDefinitionPart <- constantDefinitionPart) collect(neConstantDefinitionPart, c);
for(neTypeDefinitionPart <- typeDefinitionPart) collect(neTypeDefinitionPart, c);
for(neVariableDeclarationPart <- variableDeclarationPart) collect(neVariableDeclarationPart, c);
for(neProcedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart <- procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart) collect(neProcedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart, c);
collect(statementPart, c);
// constantDefinitionPart,
// typeDefinitionPart,
// variableDeclarationPart,
// procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart,
// statementPart, c);

void collect(current: (LabelDeclarationPart) `label <{Label ","}+ labels> ;`, Collector c) {
for(lab <- labels){
c.define("<lab>", labelId(), lab, defType(labelType()));

void collect(current: (ConstantDefinitionPart) `const <{ConstantDefinition ";"}+ constantDefs> ;`, Collector c){
collect(constantDefs, c);

void collect(current: (ConstantDefinition) `<Identifier id> = <Constant constant>`, Collector c) {
c.define("<id>", constantId(), id, defType(constant));
collect(constant, c);

void collect(current: (Constant) `<UnsignedInteger unsignedInteger>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, integerType());

void collect(current: (Constant) `<UnsignedReal unsignedReal>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, realType());

void collect(current: (Constant) `<Sign sign> <UnsignedNumber unsignedNumber>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, unsignedNumber);
collect(unsignedNumber, c);

void collect(current: (Constant) `<ConstantIdentifier constantIdentifier>`, Collector c){
c.use(constantIdentifier, {constantId()});

void collect(current: (Constant) `<Sign sign> <ConstantIdentifier constantIdentifier>`, Collector c){
c.use(constantIdentifier, {constantId()});

function getStringType

AType getStringType(String string){
return (size("<string>") == 3 || "<string>" == "\'\'") ? charType() // 2 quotes + single char (or escaped quote)
: stringType();

function collect

void collect(current: (Constant) `<String string>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, getStringType(string));

void collect(current: (UnsignedConstant) `nil`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, anyPointerType());

void collect(current: (UnsignedNumber) `<UnsignedInteger unsignedInteger>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, integerType());

void collect(current: (UnsignedNumber) `<UnsignedReal unsignedReal>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, realType());

void collect(String string, Collector c){
c.fact(string, getStringType(string));

void collect(ConstantIdentifier identifier, Collector c){
c.use(identifier, {constantId()});

void collect(current: (TypeDefinitionPart) `type <{TypeDefinition ";"}+ typeDefs> ;`, Collector c){
collect(typeDefs, c);

void collect(current: (TypeDefinition) `<Identifier id> = <Type rtype>`, Collector c) {
c.define("<id>", typeId(), id, defType(rtype));
collect(rtype, c);

void collect(current: (ScalarType) `( <{Identifier ","}+ ids> )`, Collector c){
st = scalarType(["<id>" | id <- ids]);
c.fact(current, st);
for(id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", constantId(), id, defType(st));

void collect(current: (SubrangeType) `<Constant from> .. <Constant to>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(from, to, error(current, "Subrange type requires lower and upper bound of equal type, found %t and %t", from, to));
c.calculate("subrange", current, [from, to],
AType(Solver s) { return subrangeType(s.getType(from)); });
collect(from, to, c);

void collect(TypeIdentifier identifier, Collector c){
c. use(identifier, {typeId()});

void collect(current: (ArrayType) `array [ <{SimpleType ","}+ indexTypes> ] of <Type rtype>`, Collector c){
index_types = [itp | itp <- indexTypes];
c.calculate("array type", current, index_types + rtype,
AType(Solver s){
return arrayType(atypeList([s.getType(itp) | itp <- index_types]), s.getType(rtype));
collect(indexTypes, rtype, c);

void collect(current: (RecordType) `record <FieldList fieldList> end`, Collector c){
recordName = "<getLoc(current)>"; //create an artifical name for the record.
c.define(recordName, recordId(), current, defType(recordType(recordName)));
collect(fieldList, c);

void collect(current:(FieldList) `<FixedPart fixedPart> ; <VariantPart variantPart>`, Collector c){
collect(fixedPart, variantPart, c);

void collect(current: (RecordSection) `<{FieldIdentifier ","}+ fieldIdentifiers> : <Type rtype>`, Collector c){
for(fid <- fieldIdentifiers){
c.define("<fid>", fieldId(), fid, defType(rtype));
collect(rtype, c);

void collect(current: (VariantPart) `case <TagField tagField> <TypeIdentifier ctype> of <{Variant ";"}+ variantList>`, Collector c){
c.define("<tagField>", tagId(), tagField, defType(ctype));
//TODO: check that all case labels are complete and are compatible with ctype
collect(ctype, variantList, c);

void collect(current: (Variant) `<{CaseLabel ","}+ caseLabels> : ( <FieldList fieldList> )`, Collector c){
collect(caseLabels, fieldList, c);

void collect(current: (SetType) `set of <SimpleType simpleType>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("set type", current, [simpleType],
AType(Solver s){
tp = s.getType(simpleType);
if(subrangeType(associatedType) := tp) tp = associatedType;
return setType(s.getType(simpleType));
collect(simpleType, c);

void collect(current: (FileType) `file of <Type typ>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("file type", current, [typ], AType(Solver s){ return fileType(s.getType(typ)); });
collect(typ, c);

void collect(current: (Type) `^ <TypeIdentifier identifier>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("pointer type", current, [identifier],
AType(Solver s){
return pointerType(s.getType(identifier));
collect(identifier, c);

void collect(current: (VariableDeclarationPart) `var <{VariableDeclaration ";"}+ variableDeclarations> ;`, Collector c){
collect(variableDeclarations, c);

void collect(current: (VariableDeclaration) `<{Identifier ","}+ ids> : <Type typ>`, Collector c) {
for(Identifier id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", variableId(), id, defType(typ));
collect(typ, c);

void collect(current: (ProcedureOrFunctionDeclaration) `<ProcedureDeclaration procedureDecl> ;`, Collector c){
collect(procedureDecl, c);

void collect(current: (ProcedureOrFunctionDeclaration) `<FunctionDeclaration functionDecl> ;`, Collector c){
collect(functionDecl, c);

void collect(current: (FormalParameterSection) `<{Identifier ","}+ ids> : <Type rtype>`, Collector c){
for(id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", formalId(), id, defType(rtype));
c.calculate("parameter group", current, [rtype],
AType(Solver s) {
return atypeList([ s.getType(rtype) | _ <- ids ]);
collect(rtype, c);

void collect(current: (FormalParameterSection) `var <{Identifier ","}+ ids> : <Type rtype>`, Collector c){
for(id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", variableId(), id, defType(rtype));
c.calculate("var parameter group", current, [rtype],
AType(Solver s) {
return atypeList([ s.getType(rtype) | _ <- ids ]);
collect(rtype, c);

void collect(current: (FormalParameterSection) `function <{Identifier ","}+ ids> : <Type rtype>`, Collector c){
for(id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", functionId(), id, defType([rtype], AType(Solver s) { return anyFunctionType(s.getType(rtype)); }));
c.calculate("function parameter group", current, [rtype],
AType(Solver s) {
return atypeList([ anyFunctionType(s.getType(rtype)) | _ <- ids ]);
collect(rtype, c);

void collect(current: (FormalParameterSection) `procedure <{Identifier ","}+ ids>`, Collector c){
for(id <- ids){
c.define("<id>", procedureId(), id, defType(anyProcedureType()));
c.fact(current, atypeList([ anyProcedureType() | _ <- ids ]));

void collect({FormalParameterSection ";"}+ formals, Collector c){
fps_list = [fps | fps <- formals];

c.calculate("formal parameter sections", formals, fps_list,
AType(Solver s){
formalTypes = [];
for(fps <- formals){
if(atypeList(tps) := s.getType(fps)){
formalTypes += tps;
return atypeList(formalTypes);
collect(fps_list, c);

void collect(FunctionDeclaration fd, Collector c){
hd = fd.functionHeading;
outer = c.getScope();
if(hd has formals){
c.defineInScope(outer, "<>", functionId(),,
defType([hd.formals, hd.rtype], AType(Solver s){ return functionType(s.getType(hd.formals), s.getType(hd.rtype)); }));
collect(hd.formals, hd.rtype, c);
} else {
c.defineInScope(outer, "<>", functionId(),,
defType([hd.rtype], AType(Solver s) { return functionType(atypeList([]), s.getType(hd.rtype)); }));
collect(hd.rtype, c);

void collect(ProcedureDeclaration pd, Collector c){
hd = pd.procedureHeading;
outer = c.getScope();
if(hd has formals){
c.defineInScope(outer, "<>", procedureId(),, defType([hd.formals], AType(Solver s) { return procedureType(s.getType(hd.formals)); }));
collect(hd.formals, c);
} else {
c.defineInScope(outer, "<>", procedureId(),, defType(procedureType(atypeList([]))));

void collect(current: (Statement) `<Label label>: <UnlabelledStatement us>`, Collector c) {
c.define("<label>", labelId(), label, defType(labelType()));
collect(us, c);

void collect(current: (AssignmentStatement) `<Variable var> := <Expression exp>`, Collector c){
c.requireSubType(exp, var, error(current, "Incorrect assignment, expected subtype of %t, found %t", var, exp));
collect(var, exp, c);

void collect(e: (EntireVariable) `<EntireVariable var>`, Collector c){
c.use(var, {formalId(), variableId(), constantId(), fieldId(), nullaryFunctionId(), functionId()});

void collect(current: (ReferencedVariable) `<Variable var>^`, Collector c){
c.calculate("referenced variable <current>", current, [var],
AType(Solver s) {
if(pointerType(tau1) := s.getType(var)){
return tau1;
} else {, "Pointer type required, found %t", var));
return voidType();
collect(var, c);

void collect((TypeIdentifier) `<TypeIdentifier tvar>`, Collector c){
c.use(tvar, {typeId()});

void collect(current: (Expression) `( <Expression exp> )`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, exp);
collect(exp, c);

function overloadRelational

void overloadRelational(Expression e, str op, Expression exp1, Expression exp2, Collector c){
c.calculate("relational operator `<op>`", e, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
t1 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp1));
t2 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp2));

switch([t1, t2]){
case [booleanType(), booleanType()]: return booleanType();
case [integerType(), integerType()]: return booleanType();
case [integerType(), realType()]: return booleanType();
case [realType(), integerType()]: return booleanType();
case [realType(), realType()]: return booleanType();
case [scalarType(tau1), scalarType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
//case [subrangeType(integerType()), realType()]: return booleanType();
//case [realType(), subrangeType(integerType())]: return booleanType();
//case [tau1, subrangeType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
//case [subrangeType(tau1), tau1]: return booleanType();
//case [subrangeType(tau1), subrangeType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
case [tau1, setType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
case [setType(tau1), setType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
case [setType(voidType()), setType(_)]: return booleanType();
case [setType(_), setType(voidType())]: return booleanType();
case [ tau1, tau1 ]: return booleanType();
default: {
if(op == "\<\>"){
switch([t1, t2]){
case [pointerType(tau1), pointerType(tau1)]: return booleanType();
case [pointerType(anyPointerType()), pointerType(_)]: return booleanType();
case [pointerType(_), pointerType(anyPointerType())]: return booleanType();
}, "%q not defined on %t and %t", op, exp1, exp2));
return voidType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

function collect

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> = <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "=", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> \<\> <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "\<\>", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> \< <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "\<", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> \<= <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "\<=", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> \>= <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "\>=", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> \> <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadRelational(current, "\>", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> in <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("relational operator", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
switch([s.getType(exp1), s.getType(exp2)]){
case [tau1, setType(tau2)]: if(pascalIsSubType(tau1, tau2)) return booleanType(); else fail;
default:{, "`in` not defined on %t and %t", exp1, exp2));
return voidType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> * <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("multiplication", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
t1 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp1));
t2 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp2));
switch([t1, t2]){
case [integerType(), integerType()]: return integerType();
case [integerType(), realType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), integerType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), realType()]: return realType();
//case [subrangeType(integerType()), realType()]: return realType();
//case [realType(), subrangeType(integerType())]: return realType();
//case [subrangeType(tau1), tau1]: return tau1;
//case [subrangeType(tau1), subrangeType(tau1)]: return tau1;
case [setType(tau1), setType(tau1)]: return setType(tau1);
default: {, "`*` not defined on %t and %t", exp1, exp2));
return voidType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> / <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("division", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
switch([s.getType(exp1), s.getType(exp2)]){
case [integerType(), integerType()]: return realType();
case [integerType(), realType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), integerType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), realType()]: return realType();
default: {, "`/` not defined on %t and %t", exp1, exp2));
return voidType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> div <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("div", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
s.requireEqual(exp1, integerType(), error(exp1, "Left argument of `div` should be `integer`, found %t", exp1));
s.requireEqual(exp2, integerType(), error(exp2, "Right argument of `div` should be `integer`, found %t", exp2));
return integerType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> mod <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("mod", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
s.requireEqual(exp1, integerType(), error(exp1, "Left argument of `mod` should be `integer`, found %t", exp1));
s.requireEqual(exp2, integerType(), error(exp2, "Right argument of `mod` should be `integer`, found %t", exp2));
return integerType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> and <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("and", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
s.requireEqual(exp1, booleanType(), error(exp1, "Left argument of `and` should be `boolean`, found %t", exp1));
s.requireEqual(exp2, booleanType(), error(exp2, "Right argument of `and` should be `boolean`, found %t", exp2));
return booleanType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `not <Expression exp>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("not", current, [exp],
AType(Solver s) {
s.requireEqual(exp, booleanType(), error(current, "Argument of `not` should be `boolean`, found %t", exp));
return booleanType();
collect(exp, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Sign sign> <Expression exp>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, exp);
collect(sign, exp, c);

function overloadAdding

void overloadAdding(Expression e, str op, Expression exp1, Expression exp2, Collector c){
c.calculate("adding operator", e, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) {
t1 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp1));
t2 = elimSubrangeType(s.getType(exp2));
switch([t1, t2]){
case [integerType(), integerType()]: return integerType();
case [integerType(), realType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), integerType()]: return realType();
case [realType(), realType()]: return realType();
//case [tau1, subrangeType(tau1)]: return tau1;
//case [subrangeType(tau1), tau1]: return tau1;
//case [subrangeType(tau1), subrangeType(tau1)]: return tau1;
case [setType(tau1), setType(tau1)]: return setType(tau1);
default: {, "%q not defined on %t and %t", op, exp1, exp2));
return voidType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

function collect

void collect(e: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> + <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadAdding(e, "+", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(e: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> - <Expression exp2>`, Collector c)
= overloadAdding(e, "-", exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(e: (Expression) `<Expression exp1> or <Expression exp2>`, Collector c){
c.calculate("or", e, [exp1, exp2],
AType(Solver s) { switch([s.getType(exp1), s.getType(exp2)]){
case [booleanType(), booleanType()]: return booleanType();
default: {, "%q not defined on %t and %t", "or", exp1, exp2));
return booleanType();
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (FieldDesignator) `<RecordVariable var> . <FieldIdentifier field>`, Collector c){
c.useViaType(var, field, {fieldId()});
c.fact(current, field);
collect(var, field, c);

void collect(current: (IndexedVariable) `<ArrayVariable var> [ <{Expression ","}+ indices> ]`, Collector c){
c.calculate("indexed variable", current, var + [exp | Expression exp <- indices],
AType (Solver s){
if(arrayType(tau1, tau2) := s.getType(var)){
indexType = atypeList([s.getType(exp) | exp <- indices]);
s.requireSubType(indexType, tau1, error(current, "Index mismatch, expected %t, found %t", tau1, indexType));
return tau2;
} else {, "Array type required, found %t", var));
return voidType();
collect(var, indices, c);

void collect(fd: (FunctionDesignator) `<FunctionIdentifier fid> ( <{ ActualParameter ","}+ actuals> )`, Collector c){
c.use(fid, {functionId()});
actualList = [exp | Tree exp <- actuals];

// int -> int; real -> real
AType iirr(Solver s) { switch(s.getType(actualList[0])){
case integerType(): return integerType();
case realType(): return realType();
default:, "Illegal call of %q with argument %t", fid, actualList[0]));
return realType();
// int -> real; real -> real

case "abs":
c.calculate("call `abs`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "arctan":
c.calculate("call `arctan`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "cos":
c.calculate("call `cos`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "exp":
c.calculate("call `exp`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "ln":
c.calculate("call `ln`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "sin":
c.calculate("call `sin`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "sqr":
c.calculate("call `sqr`", fd, actualList, iirr);
case "sqrt":
c.calculate("call `sqrt`", fd, actualList, iirr);

default: {
Tree tfid = fid;
c.calculate("function designator", fd, [tfid] + [exp | Tree exp <- actuals],
AType(Solver s) {
if(functionType(tau1, tau2) := s.getType(fid)){
actualParamType = atypeList([s.getType(exp) | exp <- actuals]);
s.requireSubType(actualParamType, tau1, error(fd, "Parameter mismatch, expected %t, found %t", tau1, actualParamType));
return tau2;
} else {, "Function type required, found %t", fid));
return voidType();

collect(actuals, c);

void collect(current: (Set) `[ <{Element ","}* elements> ]`, Collector c){
c.calculate("set", current, [exp | exp <- elements],
AType(Solver s) {
elemTypes = {subrangeType(assocType) := tp ? assocType : tp | exp <- elements, tp := s.getType(exp)};
if(size(elemTypes) == 0) return setType(voidType());
if(size(elemTypes) > 1), "Elements of set should have the same type, found %t", elemTypes));
elemType = getFirstFrom(elemTypes);
s.requireTrue(isScalarType(elemType), error(current, "Elements of set should be a scalar type, found %t", elemType));
return setType(elemType);
collect(elements, c);

void collect(current: (Element) `<Expression from> .. <Expression to>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(from, to, error(current, "Set element range requires lower and upper bound of equal type, found %t and %t", from, to));
c.calculate("set element range", current, [from, to],
AType(Solver s) { return subrangeType(s.getType(from)); });
collect(from, to, c);


void collect(s: (ProcedureStatement) `<ProcedureIdentifier fid>`, Collector c){
c.use(fid, {procedureId(), functionId()});

void collect(current: (ProcedureStatement) `<ProcedureIdentifier id> ( <{ActualParameter ","}+ actuals> )`, Collector c){
c.use(id, {procedureId(), functionId()});
actualList = [exp | exp <- actuals];

case "new": {
if(size(actualList) != 1){, "One argument required"));
c.require("new", current, actualList,
void(Solver s){
s.requireTrue(pointerType(_) := s.getType(actuals[0]), error(current, "pointer type required, found %t", actuals[0]));
case "read":;
case "write":;
case "writeln":;

default: {
Tree tid = id;
c.require("procedure statement", current, [tid] + [exp | Tree exp <- actuals],
void(Solver s) {
if(procedureType(tau1) := s.getType(id)){
actualType = atypeList([s.getType(exp) | exp <- actuals]);
s.requireSubType(actualType, tau1, error(current, "Parame, expected %t, found %t", tau1, actualType));
} else {, "Procedure type required, found", id));

collect(actuals, c);

void collect(GoToStatement s, Collector c){
c.use(s.label, {labelId()});

void collect(current: (Expression) `( <Expression exp> )`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, exp);

void collect(current: (CompoundStatement) `begin <{ Statement ";" }+ statements> end`, Collector c){
collect(statements, c);

void collect(current: (IfStatement) `if <Expression condition> then <Statement thenStat>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(condition, booleanType(), error(condition, "Condition should be `boolean`, found %t", condition));
collect(condition, thenStat, c);

void collect(current: (IfStatement) `if <Expression condition> then <Statement thenStat> else <Statement elseStat>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(condition, booleanType(), error(condition, "Condition should be `boolean`, found %t", condition));
collect(condition, thenStat, elseStat, c);

void collect(current: (CaseStatement) `case <Expression exp> of <{CaseListElement ";"}+ caseElements> end`, Collector c){
caseLabelList = [clab | (CaseListElement) `<{ CaseLabel ","}+ caseLabels> : <Statement _>` <- caseElements,"<caseLabels>" != "", clab <- caseLabels];

c.require("case statement", current, exp + caseLabelList,
void(Solver s){
expType = s.getType(exp);
for(clab <- caseLabelList){
s.requireSubType(clab, expType, error(clab, "Case label %q should be compatible with selector type %t, found %t","<clab>", expType, clab));
collect(exp, caseElements, c);

void collect(current : (CaseListElement) `<CaseLabelList caseLabels> : <Statement caseStatement>`, Collector c){
collect(caseLabels, caseStatement, c);

void collect(current: (WhileStatement) `while <Expression condition> do <Statement doStat>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(condition, booleanType(), error(condition, "Condition should be `boolean`, found %t", condition));
collect(condition, doStat, c);

void collect(current: (RepeatStatement) `repeat <{Statement ";"}+ repeatStats> until <Expression condition>`, Collector c){
c.requireEqual(condition, booleanType(), error(condition, "Condition should be `boolean`, found %t", condition));
collect(repeatStats, condition, c);

void collect(current: (ForStatement) `for <Identifier control> := <ForList forList> do <Statement doStat>`, Collector c){
c.define("<control>", variableId(), control, defType(integerType()));
collect(forList, doStat, c);

void collect(current:(ForList) `<Expression initial> to <Expression final>`, Collector c){
c.require("for list to", current, [initial, final],
void(Solver s){
initialType = s.getType(initial);
finalType = s.getType(final);
s.requireTrue(isScalarType(initialType), error(initial, "Initial value should be scalar type, found %t", initialType));
s.requireEqual(initialType, finalType, error(initial, "Initial and final value should have the same type, found %t and %t", initialType, finalType));
collect(initial, final, c);

void collect(current:(ForList) `<Expression initial> downto <Expression final>`, Collector c){
c.require("for list downto", current, [initial, final],
void(Solver s){
initialType = s.getType(initial);
finalType = s.getType(final);
s.requireTrue(isScalarType(initialType), error(initial, "Initial value should be scalar type, found %t", initialType));
s.requireEqual(initialType, finalType, error(initial, "Initial and final value should have the same type, found %t and %t", initialType, finalType));
collect(initial, final, c);

void collect(current: (WithStatement) `with <{RecordVariable ","}+ recordVars> do <Statement withStat>`, Collector c){
for(rv <- recordVars){
c.addPathToType(rv, withPath());
collect(recordVars, withStat, c);