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module examples::smallOO::Checker



import examples::smallOO::Checker;

Source code


import examples::smallOO::Syntax;
extend analysis::typepal::TypePal;

data AType

data AType  
= intType()
| strType()
| classType(str name)
| functionType(AType returnType, AType formals)

data IdRole

data IdRole  
= fieldId()
| parameterId()
| methodId()
| classId()

function prettyAType

str prettyAType(intType()) = "int";

str prettyAType(strType()) = "str";

str prettyAType(classType(str name)) = name;

function smallGetTypeNamesAndRole

tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] smallGetTypeNamesAndRole(classType(str name)){
return <[name], {classId()}>;

default tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] smallGetTypeNamesAndRole(AType t){
return <[], {}>;

function smallConfig

TypePalConfig smallConfig() =
tconfig(getTypeNamesAndRole = smallGetTypeNamesAndRole);

function collect

void collect(current:(Module)`module <Identifier _> <Import* _> <Declaration* decls>`, Collector c) {
collect(decls, c);

void collect(current:(Declaration)`class <Identifier className> { <Declaration* decls> }`, Collector c) {
c.define("<className>", classId(), current, defType(classType("<className>")));
collect(decls, c);

void collect(current:(Declaration)`<Type returnType> <Identifier functionName> ( <{Parameter ","}* params> ) = <Expression returnExpression> ;`, Collector c) {
classScope = c.getScope();
c.enterScope(current); {
c.defineInScope(classScope, "<functionName>", methodId(), functionName,
defType(returnType + [ | p <- params], AType(Solver s) { return functionType(s.getType(returnType), atypeList([s.getType( | p <- params])); }));

c.requireEqual(returnType, returnExpression, error(returnExpression, "Return expression is not the same type as the return type (%t) instead of (%t)", returnExpression, returnType));
collect(returnType, params, returnExpression, c);

void collect(current:(Declaration)`<Type fieldType> <Identifier fieldName>;`, Collector c) {
c.define("<fieldName>", fieldId(), fieldName, defType(fieldType));
c.fact(current, fieldType);
collect(fieldType, c);

void collect(current:(Parameter)`<Type paramType> <Identifier paramName>`, Collector c) {
c.define("<paramName>", parameterId(), paramName, defType(paramType));
c.fact(current, paramType);
collect(paramType, c);

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Identifier id>`, Collector c) {
c.use(id, {fieldId(), parameterId(), methodId()});

void collect(current:(Type) `int`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, intType());

void collect(current:(Type) `str`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, strType());

void collect(current:(Type) `<Identifier className>`, Collector c){
c.use(className, {classId()});

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Integer _>`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, intType());

void collect(current:(Expression)`<String _>`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, strType());

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Identifier functionName> ( <{Expression ","}* params> )`, Collector c) {
c.calculate("call function `<functionName>`", functionName, [functionName] + [ e | e <- params],
AType(Solver s) {
funType = s.getType(functionName);
parType = atypeList([s.getType(e) | e <- params]);
return computeCallType(functionName, funType, parType, s);
collect(params, c);

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Expression lhs> . <Identifier id>`, Collector c) {
c.useViaType(lhs, id, {fieldId()});
c.fact(current, id);
collect(lhs, c);

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Expression lhs> . <Identifier functionName> ( <{Expression ","}* params> )`, Collector c) {
c.useViaType(lhs, functionName, {methodId()});
c.calculate("method `<functionName>`", current, [p | p <- params],
AType(Solver s) {
funType = s.getType(functionName);
parType = atypeList([s.getType(e) | e <- params]);
return computeCallType(functionName, funType, parType, s);
collect(lhs, params, c);

function computeCallType

AType computeCallType(Identifier functionName, AType funType, AType parTypes, Solver s){
switch (funType) {
case overloadedAType({*_,<_,_, functionType(AType ret, parTypes)>}) : return ret;
case functionType(AType ret, parTypes): return ret;
default:, "No function can be found that accepts these parameters: %t", parTypes));
return intType();

function collect

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Expression lhs> + <Expression rhs>`, Collector c) {
c.calculate("expression",current, [lhs, rhs],
AType(Solver s) {
switch([s.getType(lhs), s.getType(rhs)]){
case [intType(), intType()]: return intType();
case[strType(), strType()]: return strType();
default: {, "+ is not defined on %t and %t", lhs, rhs));
return intType();
collect(lhs, rhs, c);