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module lang::cpp::tests::M3



import lang::cpp::tests::M3;

Source code


import lang::cpp::M3;
import Set;
import Relation;
import analysis::graphs::Graph;


test modelConsistencyAddressBook

test bool modelConsistencyAddressBook() {
tm = createM3AndAstFromCppFile(|project://clair/src/test/phonebook.cpp|);
m = tm<0>;
t = tm<1>;
decls = m.declarations<name>;

// nothing that is contained here does not not have a declaration, except the outermost translationUnit
assert m.declarations<name> - m.containment<to> - top(m.containment) == {};

// everything in the containment relation has been declared somewhere
assert carrier(m.containment) - decls == {};

// everything in the declarations relation is contained somewhere
assert decls - carrier(m.containment) == {};

// all uses point to actual declarations
assert m.uses<name> - m.declarations<name> - m.implicitDeclarations == {};

// in this example, all declarations are used at least once
assert m.declarations<name> - m.uses<name> == {};

// m.declarations is one-to-one
assert size(m.declarations<name>) == size(m.declarations);

// nothing in the AST that has a decl is not declared
assert all(/node n := t && n.decl? && n.decl in decls);

// all nodes have a .src attribute
assert all(/node n := t && loc _ := n.src?|unknown:///|);

// helper function for getting src location of a node
loc \loc(node n) = loc f := (n.src?|unknown:///|(0,0)) ? f : |unknown:///|(0,0);

// all sibling ast's are next to each other in the right order
for(/[*_,node a, node b, *_] := t) {
assert \loc(a).offset + \loc(a).length <= \loc(b).offset;

return true;