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How does one define the order of mathematical operations in an expression language in Rascal?


lexical Id = [a-z]+;
lexical Num = [0-9]+;

syntax Exp
= Id
| Num
| bracket "(" Exp ")"
> right Exp "^" Exp
> left ( Exp "*" Exp
| Exp "/" Exp
> left ( Exp "+" Exp
| Exp "-" Exp
  • The Id and Num rules are not ambiguous. They do not require an order.
  • ❶ : The bracket rule is required to write expressions in a different order. The bracket syntax ryle attribute is used in Patterns to ignore superfluous brackets in either the pattern or the subject value.
  • ❷ : At the first > starts the definition of order of operations. The highest precedences goes to the ^ operator (exponentiation). And here we chose for right associativity such that 1^2^3 parses as 1^(2^3).
  • ❸ : We chain more > to expand the ordered list of operators to include multiplication * and division /. <4>: / is left associative like `and they are *also* towards one another, because they are grouped in an associativity groupleft ( ... )`.
  • ❺ : The chain ends with addition and subtraction at the bottom of the hierarchy.
  • ❻ : Again both operators are left associative within a group.


Let's add a small function that helps to visualize the order of the operators:

rascal>Exp brackets(Exp e) = visit(e) {
>>>>>>>case Exp f => (Exp) `(<Exp f>)`
>>>>>>> when (Exp) `(<Exp _>)` !:= f, (Exp) `<Id i>` !:= f, (Exp) `<Num n>` !:= f
Exp (Exp): function(|prompt:///|(0,144,<1,0>,<4,2>))

No we can see what the parser does:

rascal>import IO;
rascal>for (input <- ["a+b*c", "a^b*c+d", "(a^b+1)^d+1"]) {
>>>>>>> t = parse(#Exp, input);
>>>>>>> println("<t> - <brackets(t)>");
a+b*c - (a+(b*c))
a^b*c+d - (((a^b)*c)+d)
(a^b+1)^d+1 - (((((a^b)+1))^d)+1)
list[void]: []

Or we can use some pretty printing:

rascal>import vis::Text;
rascal>for (input <- ["a+b*c", "a^b*c+d", "(a^b+1)^d+1"]) {
>>>>>>> t = parse(#Exp, input);
>>>>>>> println(prettyTree(t));
Exp = Exp "+" Exp
├─ Exp = Id
│ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ └─ [a-z]+
│ └─ a
└─ Exp = Exp "*" Exp
├─ Exp = Id
│ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ └─ [a-z]+
│ └─ b
└─ Exp = Id
└─ Id = [a-z]+
└─ [a-z]+
└─ c

Exp = Exp "+" Exp
├─ Exp = Exp "*" Exp
│ ├─ Exp = Exp "^" Exp
│ │ ├─ Exp = Id
│ │ │ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ │ │ └─ [a-z]+
│ │ │ └─ a
│ │ └─ Exp = Id
│ │ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ │ └─ [a-z]+
│ │ └─ b
│ └─ Exp = Id
│ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ └─ [a-z]+
│ └─ c
└─ Exp = Id
└─ Id = [a-z]+
└─ [a-z]+
└─ d

Exp = Exp "+" Exp
├─ Exp = Exp "^" Exp
│ ├─ Exp = "(" Exp ")"
│ │ └─ Exp = Exp "+" Exp
│ │ ├─ Exp = Exp "^" Exp
│ │ │ ├─ Exp = Id
│ │ │ │ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ │ │ │ └─ [a-z]+
│ │ │ │ └─ a
│ │ │ └─ Exp = Id
│ │ │ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ │ │ └─ [a-z]+
│ │ │ └─ b
│ │ └─ Exp = Num
│ │ └─ Num = [0-9]+
│ │ └─ [0-9]+
│ │ └─ 1
│ └─ Exp = Id
│ └─ Id = [a-z]+
│ └─ [a-z]+
│ └─ d
└─ Exp = Num
└─ Num = [0-9]+
└─ [0-9]+
└─ 1
list[void]: []


  • The standard operator order rules are easily expressed in Rascal
  • We only need a single non-terminal Exp to define all operators and their relative precedence
  • It is easy to add more operators