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module demo::lang::Lisra::Parse



import demo::lang::Lisra::Parse;


import Prelude;
import demo::lang::Lisra::Syntax;
import demo::lang::Lisra::Runtime;

function parse

Lval parse(str txt) = build(parse(#LispExp, txt));

function build

Build Abstract Syntax Tree: Transform a LispExp to an Lval

Lval build((LispExp)`<IntegerLiteral il>`) = Integer(toInt("<il>"));

Lval build((LispExp)`<AtomExp at>`) = Atom("<at>");

Lval build((LispExp)`( <LispExp* lst> )`) = List([build(l) | l <- lst]);


test build1

test bool build1() = build((LispExp) `42`) == Integer(42);

test build2

test bool build2() = build((LispExp) `abc`) == Atom("abc");

test build3

test bool build3() = build((LispExp) `(abc 42)`) == List([Atom("abc"), Integer(42)]);

test parse1

test bool parse1() = parse("123") == Integer(123);

test parse2

test bool parse2() = parse("abc") == Atom("abc");

test parse3

test bool parse3() = parse("()") == List([]);

test parse4

test bool parse4() = parse("(123)") == List([Integer(123)]);

test parse5

test bool parse5() = parse("(123 abc)") == List([Integer(123), Atom("abc")]);