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module demo::lang::turing::l1::interpreter::Interpreter



import demo::lang::turing::l1::interpreter::Interpreter;


import List;
import demo::lang::turing::l1::ast::Turing;

alias Tape


alias TuringState

tuple[list[Statement] prog, int line, Tape tape, int pos]

function interpreterStep

public TuringState interpreterStep(TuringState state) {
int oldLine = state.line;
state = state[line = state.line + 1];
bool currentState = state.tape[state.pos];
switch(state.prog[oldLine - 1]) {
case jumpAlways(l) : state.line = l;
case jumpSet(l): if(currentState) state.line = l;
case jumpUnset(l): if(!currentState) state.line= l;
case writeSet(): if (currentState) throw "already set"; else state.tape[state.pos] = true;
case writeUnset(): if (!currentState) throw "already unset"; else state.tape[state.pos] = false;
case moveForward() : state.pos += 1;
case moveBackward(): state.pos -= 1;
default: throw "Unknown case";
if (state.pos >= size(state.tape)) throw "moving beyond the tape";
if (state.pos < 0) throw "moving beyond the tape";
return state;

function initialState

public TuringState initialState(Program prog, Tape input) =
<prog.statements, 1, input, 0>;

function isFinished

public bool isFinished(TuringState s) = s.line > size(s.prog);

function interpreter

public Tape interpreter(Program prog, Tape input) {
TuringState state = initialState(prog,input);
while(!isFinished(state)) state = interpreterStep(state);
return state.tape;