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Algebraic Data Type



Define a user-defined type (Algebraic Data Type).


// declaring a normal data type with 2 constructors of which the second also has keyword parameters:
data _Type_
= _ConstructorName1_ ( _ParameterType1_ _ParameterName1_, _ParameterType2_ _ParameterName2_, ...)
| _ConstructorName2_ ( _ParameterType1_ _ParameterName1_, ..., _KeywordType1_ _KeywordType1_ = _KeywordDefaultExp1_, ...)

// declaring a type-parametrized data-type:
data _Type_ [&_TypeParameter1_, &_TypeParameter2_]
= _ConstructorName1_ ( &_TypeParameter1_ _ParameterName1_, &_TypeParameter2_ _ParameterName2_, ...)
| _ConstructorName2_ ( &_TypeParameter1_ _ParameterName1_, ..., _KeywordType1_ _KeywordType1_ = _KeywordDefaultExp1_, ...)

// declaring common keyword parameters:
data _Type_(_KeywordType1_ _KeywordType1_ = _KeywordDefaultExp1_, ...);


The user-defined types in Rascal are either concrete Syntax Definitions, Aliases, or Algebraic Data Types ("ADTs"). We use ADTs to define the shapes of structured, hierarchical data, that can also be recursive. Many think of ADTs as tree-like data-structures, others think of them as many-sorted algebraic signatures, and then again the concept of a "case class" from object-oriented programming also comes very close.

In Rascal, algebraic data types have to be declared first by listing for each type a number of Constructors, and then values can be constructed using Call to the declared constructor functions.

Constructor declarations are very much like function signatures:

  • They have positional parameters with types
  • They have keyword parameters with types and default values.

However, unlike function signatures, constructor signatures can not have Patterns as parameters. Only Variables are allowed.

Algebraic data-types can have type parameters, such as Maybe for more generically applicable data-structures.

When "common keyword parameters" are declared, they are woven into the declarations of all visible constructors.

When there are functions with the same name and the same ADT as return type in scope, a constructor becomes one of overloaded alternatives. See also Call for more semantics of overloading. Constructor functions are always considered to be default, so they are tried only after all the other functions have failed.

Finally, Algebraic Data Types in Rascal support forward declaration in order to use a data type before it has been declared (please see examples).


The following data declaration defines the datatype Bool that contains various constants (tt() and ff() and constructor functions conj and disj.

rascal>data Bool 
>>>>>>> = tt()
>>>>>>> | ff()
>>>>>>> | conj(Bool L, Bool R)
>>>>>>> | disj(Bool L, Bool R)
>>>>>>> ;

Terms of type Bool can be constructed using the defined constructors:

rascal>example = conj(tt(),ff());
Bool: conj(
Bool: tt()
Bool: ff()

Now let's add a "common" keyword field:

rascal>data Bool(loc origin=|unknown:///|);
rascal>example = tt(origin=|home:///MyDocuments/test.bool|);
Bool: tt(origin=|home:///MyDocuments/test.bool|)
loc: |home:///MyDocuments/test.bool|

A parametrized data-type can be useful at times. The following also demonstrates an overloaded function:

rascal>data SortedList[&T] = sorted(list[&T] lst);
rascal>SortedList[&T] sorted([*&T a, &T e, *&T b, &T f, *&T c]) = sorted([*a, f, *b, e, *c]) when f < e;
SortedList[&T] (list[&T]): function(|prompt:///|(0,97,<1,0>,<1,97>))
SortedList[int]: sorted([1,2,3])

The (overloaded) sorted constructor is only built when the sorted function is done finding a list that is sorted by swapping elements that are out of order using list matching.

Since SortedList is type-parametrized it works on any kind of type:

rascal>sorted(["tic", "tac", "toe"])
SortedList[str]: sorted(["tac","tic","toe"])

More direct usage of overloaded constructors and functions is "normalizing rewrite rules". Here we use an axiomatic definition of conj and disj to rewrite all applications of conj to tt or ff:

rascal>Bool conj(ff(), Bool _) = ff();
Bool (Bool, Bool): function(|prompt:///|(0,31,<1,0>,<1,31>))
rascal>Bool conj(tt(), Bool b) = b;
Bool (Bool, Bool): function(|prompt:///|(0,28,<1,0>,<1,28>))
rascal>Bool disj(tt(), Bool _) = tt();
Bool (Bool, Bool): function(|prompt:///|(0,31,<1,0>,<1,31>))
rascal>Bool disj(ff(), Bool b) = b;
Bool (Bool, Bool): function(|prompt:///|(0,28,<1,0>,<1,28>))

Now let's try it out:

rascal>disj(conj(tt(),tt()), ff())
Bool: tt()

Recursive declarations are straightforward, consider for instance the representation of a list of numbers as a tree:

rascal>data L = Cell(int nm) | Cell(int nm, L rest_of_list); 

A value for L now looks like:

rascal>L q = Cell(1, Cell(2, Cell(3, Cell(4))));
L: Cell(

Notice here that it was possible to use L in its own definition. But what about having to define two (or more) recursive data types, each depending on the definition of the other?

At first sight, it would seem impossible to define a data type in terms of another that has not yet been defined while itself is using the data type we are trying to define!

This condition is known as mutual recursion (and the related data types would be called "mutually recursive") and can be resolved by using "forward declaration".

To demonstrate forward declaration for mutually recursive data types in Rascal, let's try to define a graph whose nodes can have an arbitrary number of children, each of which can be either an integer or a further graph whose nodes can have an arbitrary number of children, each of which can be either an integer... and so on:

rascal>data ND;                              // Forward declaration of ND to include it in the definition of Atom.
rascal>data Atom = Atom(int a) | Atom(ND b); // An attempt to define Atom without the forward declaration would fail here.
rascal>data ND = ND(list[Atom] l); // Final declaration of ND which re-uses Atom which itself re-uses ND

The definition of a value for Atom would now be:

rascal>Atom g = Atom(ND([Atom(1), Atom(ND([Atom(2), Atom(3)]))]));
Atom: Atom(ND([