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module Location


Library functions for source locations.


import Location;


import IO;
import List;
import Set;
import String;
import Exception;


The following library functions are defined for source locations:

A source location l refers to a text fragment in another file or resource. To ease the description we will talk about l 's text instead of the text l refers to.

function relativize

Extracts a path relative to a parent location.

loc relativize(loc outside, loc inside)

So from x:///a/b and x:///a/b/c this makes relative:///c. If the outside does not envelop the inside, then the original loc is returned.

function relativize

Find the first haystack folder the needle can be found in and relativize it, or fail.

loc relativize(list[loc] haystack, loc needle)

function isSameFile

Check that two locations refer to the same file.

bool isSameFile(loc l, loc r)

function isLexicallyLess

Compare two location values lexicographically.

bool isLexicallyLess(loc l, loc r)

When the two locations refer to different files, their paths are compared as string. When they refer to the same file, their offsets are compared when present.

function getContent

Get the textual content a location refers to.

str getContent(loc l)

function isStrictlyContainedIn

Is a location textually (strictly) contained in another location?

bool isStrictlyContainedIn(loc inner, loc outer)

Strict containment between two locations inner and outer holds when

  • outer 's text begins before inner 's text, or
  • outer 's text ends after inner 's text, or
  • both.

function isContainedIn

Is a location textually contained in another location?

bool isContainedIn(loc inner, loc outer)

Containment between two locations inner and outer holds when

  • inner and outer are equal, or
  • inner is strictly contained in outer.

function beginsBefore

Begins a location's text before (but may overlap with) another location's text?

bool beginsBefore(loc l, loc r)

function isBefore

Begins and ends a location's text before another location's text?

bool isBefore(loc l, loc r)

isBefore(l, r) holds when l 's text occurs textually before r 's text.

function isImmediatelyBefore

Occurs a location's text immediately before another location's text?

bool isImmediatelyBefore(loc l, loc r)

isImmediatelyBefore(l, r) holds when l 's text occurs textually before, and is adjacent to, r 's text.

function beginsAfter

Begins a location's text after (but may overlap with) another location's text?

Description beginsAfter(l, r) holds when l 's text begins after r 's text. No assumption is made about the end of both texts. In other words, l 's text may end before or after the end of r 's text.

bool beginsAfter(loc l, loc r)

function isAfter

Is a location's text completely after another location's text?

bool isAfter(loc l, loc r)

function isImmediatelyAfter

Is a location's text immediately after another location's text?

bool isImmediatelyAfter(loc l, loc r)

function isOverlapping

Refer two locations to text that overlaps?

bool isOverlapping(loc l, loc r)

function cover

Compute a location that textually covers the text of a list of locations.

loc cover(list[loc] locs)

Create a new location that refers to the smallest text area that overlaps with the text of the given locations. The given locations should all refer to the same file but they may be overlapping or be contained in each other.