module Type
Rascal's type system, implemented in Rascal itself.
import Type;
import List;
The goal of this module is to provide:
- reflection capabilities that are useful for deserialization and validation of data, and
- to provide the basic building blocks for syntax trees (see Parse Tree)
The following definition is built into Rascal:
data type[&T] = type(Symbol symbol, map[Symbol, Production] definitions);
For values of type type[...]
the static and dynamic type systems satisfy three additional constraints over the rules of type-parameterized data types:
- For any type
has typetype[T]
- For any type T and any value of
, namelytype(S, D)
it holds that S is the symbolic representation of typeT
using the Symbol type, and - ...
holds all the necessary data and syntax rules required to form values of typeT
In other words, the #
operator will always produce a value of type[&T]
, where &T
is bound to the type that was reified and said value will contain the full grammatical definition for what was bound to &T
rascal>import Type;
type[int]: type(
type[rel[int,int]]: type(
rascal>data B = t();
type[B]: type(
rascal>syntax A = "a";
type[A]: type(
type[value]: type(
data Symbol
A Symbol represents a Rascal Type.
data Symbol
= \int()
| \bool()
| \real()
| \rat()
| \str()
| \num()
| \node()
| \void()
| \value()
| \loc()
| \datetime()
Symbols are values that represent Rascal's types. These are the atomic types. We define here:
- ❶ Atomic types.
- ❷ Labels that are used to give names to symbols, such as field names, constructor names, etc.
- ❸ Composite types.
- ❹ Parameters that represent a type variable.
In Parse Tree, see Symbol, Symbols will be further extended with the symbols that may occur in a parse tree.
data Symbol
data Symbol
= \label(str name, Symbol symbol)
data Symbol
data Symbol
= \set(Symbol symbol)
| \rel(list[Symbol] symbols)
| \lrel(list[Symbol] symbols)
| \tuple(list[Symbol] symbols)
| \list(Symbol symbol)
| \map(Symbol from, Symbol to)
| \bag(Symbol symbol)
| \adt(str name, list[Symbol] parameters)
| \cons(Symbol \adt, str name, list[Symbol] parameters)
| \alias(str name, list[Symbol] parameters, Symbol aliased)
| \func(Symbol ret, list[Symbol] parameters, list[Symbol] kwTypes)
| \overloaded(set[Symbol] alternatives)
| \var-func(Symbol ret, list[Symbol] parameters, Symbol varArg)
| \reified(Symbol symbol)
data Symbol
data Symbol
= \parameter(str name, Symbol bound)
data Production
A production in a grammar or constructor in a data type.
data Production
= \cons(Symbol def, list[Symbol] symbols, list[Symbol] kwTypes, set[Attr] attributes)
| \choice(Symbol def, set[Production] alternatives)
| \composition(Production lhs, Production rhs)
Productions represent abstract (recursive) definitions of abstract data type constructors and functions:
: a constructor for an abstract data type.func
: a function.choice
: the choice between various alternatives.composition
: composition of two productions.
In ParseTree, see Production, Productions will be further extended and will be used to represent productions in syntax rules.
data Attr
Attributes register additional semantics annotations of a definition.
data Attr
= \tag(value \tag)
function \var-func
Transform a function with varargs (...
) to a normal function with a list argument.
Symbol \var-func(Symbol ret, list[Symbol] parameters, Symbol varArg)
function choice
Normalize the choice between alternative productions.
Production choice(Symbol s, set[Production] choices)
The following normalization rules canonicalize grammars to prevent arbitrary case distinctions later Nested choice is flattened.
function subtype
the subtype relation lifted to type
from the Symbol level
Functions with variable argument lists are normalized to normal functions
bool subtype(type[&T] t, type[&U] u)
function subtype
This function documents and implements the subtype relation of Rascal's type system.
bool subtype(Symbol s, s)
default bool subtype(Symbol s, Symbol t)
bool subtype(Symbol _, Symbol::\value())
bool subtype(Symbol::\void(), Symbol _)
bool subtype(Symbol::\cons(Symbol a, _, list[Symbol] _), a)
bool subtype(Symbol::\cons(Symbol a, str name, list[Symbol] ap), Symbol::\cons(a,name,list[Symbol] bp))
bool subtype(Symbol::\adt(str _, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\node())
bool subtype(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\adt(n, list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased), Symbol r)
bool subtype(Symbol l, \alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased))
bool subtype(Symbol::\int(), Symbol::\num())
bool subtype(Symbol::\rat(), Symbol::\num())
bool subtype(Symbol::\real(), Symbol::\num())
bool subtype(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), \tuple(list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), Symbol::\list(Symbol t))
bool subtype(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), \list(Symbol r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\set(Symbol t))
bool subtype(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\set(Symbol r))
bool subtype(Symbol::\bag(Symbol s), Symbol::\bag(Symbol t))
bool subtype(Symbol::\map(Symbol from1, Symbol to1), Symbol::\map(Symbol from2, Symbol to2))
bool subtype(Symbol::\func(Symbol r1, list[Symbol] p1, list[Symbol] kw1), Symbol::\func(Symbol r2, list[Symbol] p2, list[Symbol] kw2))
bool subtype(Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound), Symbol r)
bool subtype(Symbol l, Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound))
bool subtype(Symbol::\label(str _, Symbol s), Symbol t)
bool subtype(Symbol s, Symbol::\label(str _, Symbol t))
bool subtype(Symbol::\reified(Symbol s), Symbol::\reified(Symbol t))
bool subtype(Symbol::\reified(Symbol s), Symbol::\node())
bool subtype(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
default bool subtype(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
function comparable
Check if two types are comparable, i.e., one is a subtype of the other or vice versa.
bool comparable(Symbol s, Symbol t)
function equivalent
Check if two types are equivalent, i.e. they are both subtypes of each other.
bool equivalent(Symbol s, Symbol t)
function eq
Strict structural equality between values.
bool eq(value x, value y)
The difference between eq
and ==
is that no implicit coercions are done between values of incomparable types
at the top-level.
The ==
operator, for convience, equates 1.0
with 1
but not [1] with [1.0]
, which can be annoying
when writing consistent specifications. The new number system that is coming up will not have these issues.
rascal>import Type;
rascal>1 == 1.0
bool: true
bool: false
function lub
The least-upperbound (lub) of two types is the common ancestor in the type lattice that is lowest.
Symbol lub(Symbol s, s)
default Symbol lub(Symbol s, Symbol t)
Symbol lub(Symbol::\value(), Symbol t)
Symbol lub(Symbol s, Symbol::\value())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\void(), Symbol t)
Symbol lub(Symbol s, Symbol::\void())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\int(), Symbol::\num())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\int(), Symbol::\real())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\int(), Symbol::\rat())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rat(), Symbol::\num())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rat(), Symbol::\real())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rat(), Symbol::\int())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\real(), Symbol::\num())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\real(), Symbol::\int())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\real(), Symbol::\rat())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\int())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\real())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\rat())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\set(Symbol t))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] ts))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] ts), Symbol::\set(Symbol s))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), Symbol::\list(Symbol t))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), \lrel(list[Symbol] ts))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] ts), Symbol::\list(Symbol s))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(Symbol rf, Symbol rt))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\map(Symbol lf, Symbol lt), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\map(Symbol lf, Symbol lt), Symbol::\map(Symbol rf, Symbol rt))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\bag(Symbol s), Symbol::\bag(Symbol t))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\node())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\node(), \adt(str n, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(str m, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\adt(str ln, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\cons(Symbol b, _, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\cons(Symbol la, _, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\cons(Symbol ra, _, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\cons(Symbol a, _, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\cons(Symbol _, _, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\node())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased), Symbol r)
Symbol lub(Symbol l, \alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased))
This function documents and implements the lub operation in Rascal's type system.
function keepParams
bool keepParams(Symbol::\parameter(str s1, Symbol bound1), Symbol::\parameter(str s2, Symbol bound2))
function lub
Symbol lub(Symbol l:Symbol::\parameter(str s1, Symbol bound1), Symbol r:Symbol::\parameter(str s2, Symbol bound2))
Symbol lub(Symbol l:Symbol::\parameter(str s1, Symbol bound1), Symbol r:Symbol::\parameter(str s2, Symbol bound2))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound), Symbol r)
Symbol lub(Symbol l, Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\reified(Symbol l), Symbol::\reified(Symbol r))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\reified(Symbol l), Symbol::\node())
Symbol lub(Symbol::\func(Symbol lr, list[Symbol] lp, list[Symbol] lkw), Symbol::\func(Symbol rr, list[Symbol] rp, list[Symbol] rkw))
Symbol lub(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol l), Symbol r)
Symbol lub(Symbol l, Symbol::\label(_,Symbol r))
list[Symbol] lub(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
default list[Symbol] lub(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
function allLabeled
bool allLabeled(list[Symbol] l)
function noneLabeled
bool noneLabeled(list[Symbol] l)
function getLabels
list[str] getLabels(list[Symbol] l)
function addLabels
list[Symbol] addLabels(list[Symbol] l, list[str] s)
default list[Symbol] addLabels(list[Symbol] l, list[str] s)
function stripLabels
list[Symbol] stripLabels(list[Symbol] l)
function getParamLabels
list[str] getParamLabels(list[Symbol] l)
function addParamLabels
list[Symbol] addParamLabels(list[Symbol] l, list[str] s)
default list[Symbol] addParamLabels(list[Symbol] l, list[str] s)
function glb
The greatest lower bound (glb) between two types, i.e. a common descendant of two types in the lattice which is largest.
Symbol glb(Symbol s, s)
default Symbol glb(Symbol s, Symbol t)
Symbol glb(Symbol::\void(), Symbol t)
Symbol glb(Symbol s, Symbol::\void())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\value(), Symbol t)
Symbol glb(Symbol s, Symbol::\value())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\int(), Symbol::\num())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\int())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rat(),Symbol::\num())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\rat())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\real(), Symbol::\num())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\num(), Symbol::\real())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\set(Symbol t))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\set(Symbol s), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] ts))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] ts), Symbol::\set(Symbol s))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\rel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), Symbol::\list(Symbol t))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\list(Symbol s), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] ts))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] ts), Symbol::\list(Symbol s))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\lrel(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] l), Symbol::\tuple(list[Symbol] r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\map(\label(str lfl, Symbol lf), \label(str ltl, Symbol lt)), Symbol::\map(Symbol rf, Symbol rt))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\map(Symbol lf, Symbol lt), Symbol::\map(\label(str rfl, Symbol rf), \label(str rtl, Symbol rt)))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\map(Symbol lf, Symbol lt), Symbol::\map(Symbol rf, Symbol rt))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\bag(Symbol s), Symbol::\bag(Symbol t))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\node())
Symbol glb(\node(), Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(str m, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\adt(str ln, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\cons(Symbol b, _, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\cons(Symbol la, _, list[Symbol] _), Symbol::\cons(Symbol ra, _, list[Symbol] _))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\cons(Symbol a, _, list[Symbol] lp), Symbol::\adt(str n, list[Symbol] rp))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\cons(Symbol _, _, list[Symbol] _), \node())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased), Symbol r)
Symbol glb(Symbol l, Symbol::\alias(str _, list[Symbol] _, Symbol aliased))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound), Symbol r)
Symbol glb(Symbol l, Symbol::\parameter(str _, Symbol bound))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\reified(Symbol l), Symbol::\reified(Symbol r))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\reified(Symbol l), Symbol::\node())
Symbol glb(Symbol::\func(Symbol lr, list[Symbol] lp, list[Symbol] kwl), Symbol::\func(Symbol rr, list[Symbol] rp, list[Symbol] kwr))
Symbol glb(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol l), Symbol r)
Symbol glb(Symbol l, Symbol::\label(_,Symbol r))
list[Symbol] glb(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
default list[Symbol] glb(list[Symbol] l, list[Symbol] r)
This function documents and implements the glb operation in Rascal's type system.
data Exception
data Exception
= typeCastException(Symbol from, type[value] to)
function typeCast
&T typeCast(type[&T] typ, value v)
function make
Dynamically instantiate an data constructor of a given type with the given children and optional keyword arguments.
&T make(type[&T] typ, str name, list[value] args)
&T make(type[&T] typ, str name, list[value] args, map[str,value] keywordArgs)
This function will build a constructor if the definition exists and the parameters fit its description, or throw an exception otherwise.
This function can be used to validate external data sources against a data type such as XML, JSON and YAML documents.
function typeOf
Returns the dynamic type of a value as a ((Type-Symbol)).
Symbol typeOf(value v)
As opposed to the # operator, which produces the type of a value statically, this function produces the dynamic type of a value, represented by a symbol.
rascal>import Type;
rascal>value x = 1;
value: 1
Symbol: int()
- constructing a reified type from a dynamic type is possible:
rascal>type(typeOf(x), ())
type[value]: type(
Note that the typeOf
function does not produce definitions, like the
reify operator #
does, since values may escape the scope in which they've been constructed.
function isIntType
Determine if the given type is an int.
bool isIntType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isIntType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isIntType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isIntType(Symbol::\int())
default bool isIntType(Symbol _)
function isBoolType
Determine if the given type is an bool.
bool isBoolType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isBoolType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isBoolType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isBoolType(Symbol::\bool())
default bool isBoolType(Symbol _)
function isRealType
Determine if the given type is an real.
bool isRealType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isRealType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isRealType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isRealType(Symbol::\real())
default bool isRealType(Symbol _)
function isRatType
Determine if the given type is an rat.
bool isRatType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isRatType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isRatType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isRatType(Symbol::\rat())
default bool isRatType(Symbol _)
function isStrType
Determine if the given type is an str.
bool isStrType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isStrType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isStrType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isStrType(Symbol::\str())
default bool isStrType(Symbol _)
function isNumType
Determine if the given type is an num.
bool isNumType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isNumType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isNumType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isNumType(Symbol::\num())
default bool isNumType(Symbol _)
function isNodeType
Determine if the given type is an node.
bool isNodeType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isNodeType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isNodeType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isNodeType(Symbol::\node())
bool isNodeType(Symbol::\adt(_,_))
default bool isNodeType(Symbol _)
function isVoidType
Determine if the given type is an void.
bool isVoidType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isVoidType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isVoidType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isVoidType(Symbol::\void())
default bool isVoidType(Symbol _)
function isValueType
Determine if the given type is an void.
bool isValueType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isValueType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isValueType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isValueType(Symbol::\value())
default bool isValueType(Symbol _)
function isLocType
Determine if the given type is an loc.
bool isLocType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isLocType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isLocType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isLocType(Symbol::\loc())
default bool isLocType(Symbol _)
function isDateTimeType
Determine if the given type is an datetime.
bool isDateTimeType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isDateTimeType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isDateTimeType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isDateTimeType(Symbol::\datetime())
default bool isDateTimeType(Symbol _)
function isSetType
Determine if the given type is an set.
bool isSetType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isSetType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isSetType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isSetType(Symbol::\set(_))
bool isSetType(Symbol::\rel(_))
default bool isSetType(Symbol _)
function isRelType
Determine if the given type is an rel.
bool isRelType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isRelType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isRelType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isRelType(Symbol::\rel(_))
bool isRelType(Symbol::\set(Symbol tp))
default bool isRelType(Symbol _)
function isListRelType
Determine if the given type is an lrel.
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\lrel(_))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\list(Symbol tp))
default bool isListRelType(Symbol _)
function isTupleType
Determine if the given type is an tuple.
bool isTupleType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isTupleType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isTupleType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isTupleType(Symbol::\tuple(_))
default bool isTupleType(Symbol _)
function isListType
Determine if the given type is a list.
bool isListType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isListType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isListType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isListType(Symbol::\list(_))
bool isListType(Symbol::\lrel(_))
default bool isListType(Symbol _)
function isListRelType
Determine if the given type is an lrel.
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isListRelType(Symbol::\lrel(_))
default bool isListRelType(Symbol _)
function isMapType
Determine if the given type is an map.
bool isMapType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isMapType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isMapType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isMapType(Symbol::\map(_,_))
default bool isMapType(Symbol _)
function isBagType
Determine if the given type is an bag.
bool isBagType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isBagType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isBagType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isBagType(Symbol::\bag(_))
default bool isBagType(Symbol _)
function isADTType
Determine if the given type is an adt.
bool isADTType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isADTType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isADTType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isADTType(Symbol::\adt(_,_))
bool isADTType(Symbol::\reified(_))
default bool isADTType(Symbol _)
function isConstructorType
Determine if the given type is an constructor.
bool isConstructorType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isConstructorType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isConstructorType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isConstructorType(Symbol::\cons(Symbol _,str _,list[Symbol] _))
default bool isConstructorType(Symbol _)
function isAliasType
Determine if the given type is an alias.
bool isAliasType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,_))
bool isAliasType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isAliasType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
default bool isAliasType(Symbol _)
function isFunctionType
Determine if the given type is an function.
bool isFunctionType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isFunctionType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isFunctionType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isFunctionType(Symbol::\func(_,_,_))
default bool isFunctionType(Symbol _)
function isReifiedType
Determine if the given type is an reified.
bool isReifiedType(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isReifiedType(Symbol::\parameter(_,Symbol tvb))
bool isReifiedType(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
bool isReifiedType(Symbol::\reified(_))
default bool isReifiedType(Symbol _)
function isTypeVar
Determine if the given type is an type parameter.
bool isTypeVar(Symbol::\parameter(_,_))
bool isTypeVar(Symbol::\alias(_,_,Symbol at))
bool isTypeVar(Symbol::\label(_,Symbol lt))
default bool isTypeVar(Symbol _)