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module analysis::text::search::Grammars



import analysis::text::search::Grammars;


extend analysis::text::search::Lucene;
import ParseTree;
import String;

function analyzerFromGrammar

Analyzer analyzerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function identifierAnalyzerFromGrammar

Analyzer identifierAnalyzerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function commentAnalyzerFromGrammar

Analyzer commentAnalyzerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function tokenizerFromGrammar

Use a generate parser as a Lucene tokenizer. Skipping nothing.

Tokenizer tokenizerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function identifierTokenizerFromGrammar

Use a generated parser as a Lucene tokenizer, and skip all keywords and punctuation.

Tokenizer identifierTokenizerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function commentTokenizerFromGrammar

Use a generated parser as a Lucene tokenizer, and skip all keywords and punctuation.

Tokenizer commentTokenizerFromGrammar(type[&T <: Tree] grammar)

function tokens

list[Tree] tokens(amb({Tree x, *_}), bool(Tree) isToken)

default list[Tree] tokens(Tree tok, bool(Tree) isToken)

function isTokenType

bool isTokenType(lit(_))

bool isTokenType(cilit(_))

bool isTokenType(lex(_))

bool isTokenType(layouts(_))

bool isTokenType(label(str _, Symbol s))

default bool isTokenType(Symbol _)

function isToken

bool isToken(appl(prod(Symbol s, _, _), _))

bool isToken(char(_))

default bool isToken(Tree _)

function isLexical

bool isLexical(appl(prod(Symbol s, _, _), _))

default bool isLexical(Tree _)

function isComment

bool isComment(Tree t)

default bool isComment(Tree _)