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module analysis::flow::ControlFlow


Intermediate notation for control flow graphs


import analysis::flow::ControlFlow;

Control flow graphs are a unifying concept for units of executable code in programming languages. This module defines a common intermediate representation which is designed to be produced from Core-M3 models and AST for real programming languages. If (and only if) the translation is faithful to the semantics of the respective programming language, then downstream analyses and visualizations are accurate.

data ControlNode

control points in source code

data ControlNode  
= \block(loc id)
| \entry(loc id)
| \exit(loc id)

Control points in executable units of code are either straightline code (block), or forks. Each executable unit has an entry and an exit node. This is the simplest model for control flow nodes which may hold all the possible structures we find in real executable units, but it does require an analysis which resolves the locations of each block and the labels which are used to jump to.

data ControlEdge

identify control edges

data ControlEdge  
= \choice(loc id, bool condition)
| \case(loc id)
| \jump(loc id)

A control edge goes from ControlEdge to ControlEdge and is identified by the condition which activates it. For normal structured control flow (choice) like if, while and do-while this is a boolean condition going either left (true) or right (false). We also have edges labeled by case (data) and edges which are unconditional (jump).

Each edge is identified by a location which should resolve to the identifying source code. For choice this would be the code of the conditional, for case the label of the code to jump to and for jump the code of the jump instruction. Note that edge identification is redundant information, making it easier to index back into M3 models or M3 AST models.

alias ControlFlow

rel[ControlNode from, ControlEdge edge, ControlNode to]

data CFG

data CFG  
= cfg(loc id, ControlFlow graph = {}, ControlNode \start = entry(id), ControlNode end = exit(id))