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module analysis::m3::Registry


in memory database for [analysis/m3/Core] models for resolving hyperlinks


import analysis::m3::Registry;


import analysis::m3::Core;
import IO;


The functions in this file are used to register m3 models in a global in-memory database. When a source location is clicked this database is used used to resolve logical source locations, such as |java+class:///java/lang/Object| to physical source locations such as |file:///usr/lib/|.

function registerProject

Register an M3 model for a certain project name.

void registerProject(loc project, M3 model)

The effect of registering a project is that the m3 URI resolver knows how to find the physical source location for qualified names.

Note that Register Project will be called usually as a side-effect of a function that extracts a model for a specific language.


  • this enables qualified names as locations to be hyperlinks in the IDE


  • the registry is a global store that will retain links to M3 models even when they are not in use anymore. The programmer should take care to call Unregister Project to prevent memory leakage.

function unregisterProject

unregister an M3 model for a certain project name.

void unregisterProject(loc project, M3 model)

The effect of unregistering a project is that all references will be removed from the registry, clearing memory.


  • this cleans up the memory used by the registry


  • if a different model is used for unregistering than for registering, there could be a memory leak of remaining schemes and their respective locations.

function unregisterProjectSchemes

unregister an M3 model for a set of given schemes

void unregisterProjectSchemes(loc project, set[str] schemes)

The effect of unregistering a project is that all references will be removed from the registry, clearing memory.


  • This cleans up the memory used by the registry, and by giving all possible schemes for a certain language the chance is high there are not dangling entries afterwards.


  • If more schemes were registered than are unregistered here, there is a memory leak.