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module lang::smtlib2::command::Ast


Synopsis: The SMTLIBv2 Command AST. This is the basic AST needed to construct SMTLIBv2 constraint problems. Sorts, Expressions and Literals are implemented in the different theories


import lang::smtlib2::command::Ast;

data Script

data Script  
= script(list[Command] commands)

data Command

data Command  
= setLogic(Logic logic)
| setOption(Option option)
| setInfo(Info info)
| declareSort(str name, int arity)
| defineSort(str name, list[str] sorts, list[Sort] types)
| declareFunction(str name, list[Sort] params, Sort returnType)
| defineFunction(str name, list[SortedVar] sParams, Sort returnType, Expr body)
| \assert(Expr expr)
| checkSatisfiable()
| getValue(list[Expr] exprs)
| getUnsatCore()
| push(int nr)
| pop(int nr)
| exit()

data SortedVar

data SortedVar  
= sortedVar(str name, Sort sort)

data Sort

data Sort  
= custom(str name)

data Expr

data Expr  
= var(str name)
| lit(Literal lit)
| named(Expr labeledExpr, str label)
| customFunctionCall(str name, list[Expr] params)

data Option

data Option  
= printSuccess(bool val)
| regularOutputChannel(str channel)
| diagnosticOutputChannel(str channel)
| expandDefinitions(bool val)
| interactiveMode(bool val)
| produceProofs(bool val)
| produceUnsatCores(bool val)
| produceModels(bool val)
| produceAssignments(bool val)
| randomSeed(int seed)
| verbosity(int level)

data Logic

data Logic  
= logic()

data Info

data Info  
= info()