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module util::UUID



import util::UUID;

function uuid

generates a unique identifier shaped as a loc

loc uuid()

This function generates a UUID, see Since UUIDs are useful to assign an opaque and unique identity to data, the function returns a location (which is the preferred representation for encoding identities in Rascal)


rascal>import util::UUID;

The uuid() function generates a location with the authority showing the literal canonical UUID string

loc: |uuid://4eaa461d-e806-42b2-80a4-54b189df44f7|

Use it to relate identies to data objects, as in this example which adds a field to a relation:

rascal>myData = { <i,i*i> | i <- [1..11] }; 
rel[int,int]: {
rascal>rel[int n, int square, loc id] myUniqueData = { <i,j,uuid()> | <i,j> <- myData };
rel[int n,int square,loc id]: {
rascal>map[tuple[int i, int j] t, loc id] myUniqueMap = (<i,j>:uuid() | <i,j> <- myData );
map[tuple[int i,int j] t, loc id]: (

Note how uuid() should always generate a fresh value:

rascal>assert uuid() != uuid(); 
bool: true


  • Locations are used for identifying program elements or model elements in Rascal. The uuid() function provides an quick-and-easy way of acquiring such an identity without having to design a naming scheme.


  • UUIDs are a quick and dirty way of identifying data which may lead to hard to debug code. A naming scheme for locations is better because it generates human readable locations which carry meaning. For example consider the difference in readability between these two values: |uuid://47fdcd64-4fd0-41a1-8aa3-61c5b272c3fc| and |java+class:///java/lang/Object|. Both may lead to the same results in your computation, but if we print either of them out, one of them is opaque and the other is transparent. A transparent naming scheme is preferable for debugging purposes.

function uuidi

see [uuid], this function does the same except return the UUID as an int.

int uuidi()


  • beware that this integer is almost guaranteed to use 128 bits, so communicating it outside of Rascal should not be done via a Java 32-bit integer.